Diocesan positions:
Especially critical in this month of July is the roster of those will be filling positions of diocesan leadership. The Board of Trustees, Diocesan Council, Standing Committee, Trinity Cathedral Chapter, and Legacy Health System Board of Directors will all have openings.
For making nominations for open diocesan positions use the form at: https://diooregon.formstack.com/forms/diocesan_position_nomination_form
For a list of open positions and their descriptions (PDF): positions-open-for-nomination-2015 (00000003)
Persons that have been nominated for a position will need to complete and submit the form at this link: https://diooregon.formstack.com/forms/nominee_information_form
Thank you,
Charles G. Mouradian-Sr. Warden, St. Alban’s-Albany
Nominating Chair, Central Convocation