Click below to find the latest newsletter from the US Disaster Program at Episcopal Relief & Development, with information on the disaster response in Louisiana and around the country, including ways to help.
Tag: Episcopal Relief and Development
Episcopal Relief and Development (E.R.D.) Notice
From E.R.D.: URGENT: Massive floods are sweeping through the Gulf Coast—and the government has officially declared it a disaster zone. Please make an emergency gift to our disaster fund to help us aid in the relief efforts. You’ll enable us to provide food, basic supplies, emergency housing, building materials and more to the affected areas right away.
You may donate at or make a check to St. Alban’s and we will forward it.
Episcopal Relief and Development
When you give to Episcopal Relief and Development, where does that money go? Since last year, the Nepal Earthquake Response Fund has provided support for immediate and longer-term recovery. More recently, donations to the US Disaster Response Fund aid those displaced by floods in West Virginia and Texas.
From the website at
Episcopal Relief & Development works with Church partners and other local organizations to save lives and transform communities worldwide. We rebuild after disasters and empower people to create lasting solutions that fight poverty, hunger and disease. Working in close to 40 countries, our programs impact the lives of approximately 3 million people around the world.
Click below for the summer 2016 newsletter from Episcopal Relief and Development.
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More newsletters may be found at