Save the Dates

We celebrate the Feast of St. Alban every year on the Sunday closest to June 22. Please join us June 25 for a picnic after the liturgy!

In July on the Sunday closest to Independence Day, we have a special liturgy incorporating readings from historic writings of the United States, and the celebration of Holy Eucharist. Please join us July 2 at 9:30 am.

St. Alban’s Day Celebration

Our St. Alban’s Day celebration will be this Sunday, June 26 after the service. The men’s club will be barbecuing their traditional hot dogs and hamburgers. All food will be provided. Please join us!

Save the date for upcoming events

June 19: Father’s Day

June 26: St. Alban’s Day picnic

July 1: Healing Service, 10:30 am

July 3: Independence Day Service, 9:30 am

July 4: A short celebration of the Eucharist for Independence Day, 10 am

August 5: Healing Service, 10:30 am

August 6: ECW Trunk Sale, 10 am to 2 pm

St. Alban’s Day Picnic

Save the Date – We will celebrate St. Alban’s Day with a picnic on Sunday, June 26. If you have been to the annual picnic before, you know how much fun it will be. If not, we hope you will join us!

Feast of St. Alban

Dear Friends,

This month we celebrate the Feast of St. Alban, our patron saint.

Many church congregations take the name of saint, either from Biblical times or from a later period of Church history, to identify themselves. As you may be aware, the Episcopal, Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches admit saints to their calendars from as recently as the end of the twentieth century, so it may not be unusual to find a local saint commemorated through her or his name being used by resident congregations.

It’s probably fairly obvious why St. Alban was chosen as the patron for our congregation. With the city named after that in New York State, and that one being named after the city of St. Albans nineteen miles from central London in Britain, it makes sense to reinforce this connection.

Alban lived in third century Britain and sheltered a Christian priest who was fleeing from persecution by the Romans. A detachment of soldiers from the Roman army went from home to home, looking for the priest. Alban, who’d spent a few days talking to the priest and had been converted to Christianity by him, dressed in the priest’s clothing and surrendered himself, allowing the priest to escape. Alban was taken before the court and the trick discovered. As penalty for this, and for allowing the priest to evade capture, Alban was sentenced to death.

Legend has it that the executioner was so impressed by what Alban had done that he refused to carry out his task, thus incurring a death sentence on himself. Another was found to kill the two. Reputedly the executioner’s eyes fell out when he killed Alban.

How much of this factual is uncertain. What we do know, however, is the basic story of shelter, of the native Alban’s conversion and of his substitution of himself to enable the priest to continue his ministry. A cult arose around the Roman town – Verulamium – and an abbey built over Alban’s grave on top of the hill. Within a few decades of Alban’s death, pilgrims made their way there to pray. They found comfort and strength from the story and the aura of holiness enshrined there. The Abbey and Cathedral Church of St Alban continues as a vital Christian community to this day, with a wonderful building, a magnificent organ and great choirs and a solid pastoral witness and ministry to the city and surrounding county.

Whoever came up with the idea of naming cities in New York and Oregon and, other States; whoever came up with the idea of naming our congregation after Alban, had great vision. Both city and congregation have a mission to stand up for what is right, regardless of the discomfort or cost; they both have the mission to care for those who are defenseless; and they both have the mission to be hospitable.

As we celebrate our Patronal Festival on the 21st June (the actual Feast is the 22nd), let’s remember our call to serve Jesus in this community and keep aware of opportunities for ministry. But let us remember this also as an occasion to celebrate our own faith as well as our ancestors’, and to enjoy the special lunch. Burgers will be provided. Check the notice board for a list of suggestion what you may bring to make this a special remembrance.

As in previous years, at the Eucharist we’ll be using a liturgy developed for use in the Abbey and Cathedral of St. Alban in Britain as a sign of the link that we share with the people there.

With Alban’s blessing and Jesus’ Love,

Robert P. Morrison