Save the Dates

We celebrate the Feast of St. Alban every year on the Sunday closest to June 22. Please join us June 25 for a picnic after the liturgy!

In July on the Sunday closest to Independence Day, we have a special liturgy incorporating readings from historic writings of the United States, and the celebration of Holy Eucharist. Please join us July 2 at 9:30 am.


Pentecost is Sunday June 4. You are invited to wear red to celebrate, if you wish.

Healing Service and Lunch Bunch

Our monthly Healing Service and Holy Eucharist will be this Friday, May Fifth, at 10:30 am. Please also join us immediately afterward for Lunch Bunch at Los Tequilas restaurant at 2525 Santiam Hwy SE, Albany, OR 97322.

Cursillo Weekend

An Episcopal Cursillo weekend will be held Thursday evening, July 27 – Sunday afternoon, July 30 at the Oregon Christian Convention Center in Turner (just outside Salem). Cursillo is a ministry in the Episcopal Church, designed to give participants a lived experience of the love of God and the love of the Christian community. Many report that Cursillo wonderfully deepens their faith, empowers their ministry to others, and continues to nourish their spiritual lives. There is no charge to attend. Ask your rector or vicar about Cursillo and see

Big Thanks

Thank you to everyone who participated in our liturgies and meals over the last several days to make them so successful. Many people gave of their time to help us celebrate this most Holy Week of our Christian year.

Upcoming Liturgies for Holy Week

 April 14   Good Friday Evening Prayer 5 pm
Liturgy for Good Friday and Mass of the Pre-Sanctified 7 pm
April 15 Holy Saturday Liturgy for Holy Saturday 10 am
Great Vigil of Easter 7 pm
April 16 The Sunday of the Resurrection Festal Holy Eucharist 9:30 am